Margaret J. Wheatley: "All change, even large and powerful change, begins when a few people start talking with one another about something they care about."

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Welcome to The Backwards Merry Go Round

"Margaret J. Wheatley: "All change, even large and powerful change, begins when a few people start talking with one another about something they care about."

     I love this quote because I truly believe in it.  If there is a need for a situation to be changed and enough people who passionately care about that change work together it will happen.  I am a single mom of three sweet teenagers and being a mom is not only my greatest accomplishment but the most important thing to me.  I love them so much and although I work very hard, along with my family, my heart breaks that I am their only parent.  Through no fault of their own and by choice, their dad is not in their life.  Now, many people might tell me to be careful making that statement.  It can be seen as defamation of character and I might get in trouble.  You know what?  I am not going to worry about that anymore.  I am tired of the rights of deadbeat parents being protected while innocent children are left dealing with the consequences.  It isn't their fault and I am tired of them being punished while we tiptoe around the rights of those who have chosen to be absent and at times cruel.


     I am very blunt and to the point about this matter.  There are too many single, custodial parents being put in the position of completely holding the responsibility that should be shared.  I have been in court for the last three years trying to get child support.  It is as though the system teaches them how to evade paying.  All this time it is the innocent children who suffer and they don't have rights or a voice.  I think it is time that the parents who are being responsible speak out for them and see if we can do something for their present benefit as well as their future.

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